Several ApPEARS members are presenting at the Printing for Fabrication Conference.
19.-22. October 2020
ApPEARS represented at the online London Imaging Meeting 2020
Join the online London Imaging Meeting (LIM2020) to hear Jon Hardeberg’s (NTNU) talk on Imaging the visible beyond RGB and Philipp Urban’s (FHG) talk on Graphical 3D Printing: Challenges, Solutions and Applications.
UWE Bristol project to create lifelike organ simulators using 3D printing
At the University of Western England, the ApPEARS fellow Marine Shao is working on how to create lifelike organ simulators using 3D printing.
CIE online tutorials on Colorimetry and Visual Appearance
ApPEARS consortium is represented at the CIE online tutorials on Colorimetry and Visual Appearance. Read more here.
Training Event 1: Norway
10-21 February 2020
All project members from ApPEARS will attend the training event hosted at NTNU Gjøvik, Norway. Program will include visit to different institutions and lectures.
Poster presentation at the GDR-APPAMAT workshop
Conference lecture — 21 October 2019
Riccardo Tonello (ESR 15) presented his current work at the GDR-APPAMAT workshop in the 27th Color Imaging Conference 2019, Paris, France.
A week of Colour in Paris! CIC 2019
Events — 21-25 October 2019
Many ESRs from ApPEARS & CHANGE will attend the 27th Colour and Imaging Conference to be held in Paris this October 21-25.
More information on the conference can be found here.
Attendance at Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions MSCA 2019 conference
Project Manager of the ApPEARS and the CHANGE project, Anneli Torsbakken Østlien, was present at the Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions MSCA 2019 conference, learning about the opportunities and challenges the actions provides. (See more)
ApPEARS Kickoff Meeting 2019
ApPEARS Kickoff Meeting 2019, event held at NTNU i Gjøvik April 4th and 5th. During this first meeting, project partners discussed the work plan and research topics that will be carried out in the next four years (2019- 2023) (See more)
CCWI Chiba University Attendance
ApPEARS ITN project members and colleagues were present at Chiba University, Japan at CCIW (Computational Color Imaging Workshop 2019) on its 7th Edition. (See more)
ITN Coordinators day 2018
Assistance at ITN Coordinators day 2018, event held at Brussels. More information about the event and presentations.(See more)
'The Skin of Things' 2018 presentation
Presentation of ApPEARS ITN projects by Aditya Sole at 'The Skin of Things' Symposium. (See more)
H2020 MSCA ITN Seminar
Presentation at H2020 MSCA ITN Seminar. Presentation topic "Two new ITN projects (CHANGE & ApPEARS): How did this happen?" by Prof. Jon Yngve Hardeberg. (See more)
Presentation at NTNU Library
Jon Yngve Hardeberg did a presentation at the NTNU library located in Gjøvik. In the presentation he explained the importance of research projects in the university community, external funding for researchers and building successfully trained researchers. CHANGE ITN project was introduced. (See more)
Story at
Using advanced imaging technology and 3D printing, the Color Lab at NTNU in Gjøvik will ensure our art and cultural heritage. This is possible because the institution has received NOK 80 million for two EU projects. (See more)