

Practical applications of 3D-printing system for creating novel surfaces

Host Institution: DTU

Main Supervisor:

  • Jeppe Revall Frisvad (DTU)


  • Are Strandlie (NTNU)
  • David Bue Pedersen (DTU)
  • Kristian Martinsen (NTNU)


Combine knowledge of material reflectance, optics, and industrial post-print surface processing to develop a series of novel surface types for use in industrial and artistic applications.

  • Identify array of desired surface types, taking into consideration select desired industrial and/or artistic requirements.
  • Establish and characterize print and processing parameters that may be manipulated to arrive at the desired surface types.
  • Design system (model, algorithms) for modelling identified parameters to arrive at surface types in accordance with requirements.
  • Test system in selecting applications in collaboration with other ESRs (4, 5, 8, 11 and 14) to illustrate potential for increased design freedom-to-operate.

ESR Recruited