Recordings from the colourlab workshop on Measuring, Understanding, and Reproducing Material Appearance
Late October 2021, the Norwegian Colour and Visual Computing Laboratory (Colourlab) at NTNU hosted a workshop on Measuring, Understanding, and Reproducing material appearance – Innovation and Development. During this event, several ApPEARS ESRs presented their research. Their presentations were all recorded and they are available via ApPEARS’ YouTube account. Below all presentations are listed with a direct link to the presentations on YouTube:
- Introduction to research and networking projects MUVApp, MANER, NETApP and ApPEARS (Jon Yngve Hardeberg)
- MUVApp project: Material Appearance – a behavioural perspective (Davit Gigilashvili)
- MUVApp project: Colour constancy in virtual reality (Dar’ya Guarnera)
- Colourlab: The development of a multispectral imaging system for transmissive objects (Giorgio Trumpy)
- ApPEARS project: Integrating appearance in Colour Management (Tanzima Habib)
- ApPEARS project: Surface roughness of 3D-Printed models as a function of manufacturing process (Ali Payami Golhin)
- MANER project: Invited talk “Progress in Developing Material Appearance Design Tools (Holly Rushmeier, Yale University)
- ApPEARS project: Implementation of gloss in the 5-channel appearance space within a colour-managed workflow (Donatela Saric)