Alina Pranovich

Country of Origin: Belarus
Host Institution: LIU
Alina studied engineering physics specializing in lasers and optoelectronics. She received both bachelor and master degrees from the Faculty of Nuclear Sciences and Physical Engineering at the Czech Technical University in Prague. She had a unique opportunity to work on her bachelor and master's projects as well as become a member of the research team at the Hilase laser centre, Czech Academy of Sciences. There, she extended her theoretical knowledge in optics by experience in developing applications, devices and control systems. The topics she worked on included high power pulsed Iasers, optical gas sensing and nonlinear pulse compression.
Aspirations within projects:
She is thrilled to be a part of this ambitious international project that will serve both science and industry. Her aim is to contribute to printing technology by extending already existing and formulating new models for colour prediction and separation, once an additional dimension is introduced.
ESR4: Modelling Appearance Printing
Main Supervisor:
- Daniel Nyström (LIU)
- Sasan Gooran (LIU)
- Jeppe Revall Frisvad (DTU)
The ESR will develop novel colour prediction models customized for the special inks and color mixing technique employed in 2.5D printing, as
well as the extra dimension introduced.
- Develop colour prediction models for appearance printing, predicting the spectral outcome of the print
- Invert the forward model into a colour separation model, determining the printer input required for reproducing a specific target colour.
- Extend the models to include also the angle dependency (viewing and illumination) and the varying gloss level, caused by the surface height variation in 2.5D prints.
Pranovich, A., S. Valyukh, S. Gooran, J. R. Frisvad, D. Nyström (2023) Dot Off Dot Screen Printing with RGBW Reflective Inks. Journal of Imaging Science and Technology, 2023, pp 030404-1 – 030404-6, Doi: 10.2352/J.ImagingSci.Technol.2023.67.3.030404
Pranovich, A. et al. (2022) Angular dependent reflectance spectroscopy of RGBW pigments. Advances in Printing and Media Technology, Vol. XLVIII(VIII) – Session 2B, 19–24
Pranovich, A., S. Gooran, J. R. Frisvad, D. Nyström (2021). Optical properties and appearance of fused deposition modelling filaments. Printing in the Digital Era (IARIGAI 2021). September 2021
Pranovich, A., S. Gooran, J. R. Frisvad and D. Nyström (2020): Surface Discretisation Effects on 3D Printed Surface Appearance. CEUR Workshop Proceedings, Vol-2688, CVCS2020.