Lubna Abu Rmaileh

Country of Origin: Palestine
Host Institution: FHG
Lubna is a mathematician and aspiring entrepreneur. She earned a bachelor's degree in mathematics from Birzeit University and a master's degree in applied mathematics and computer science from the Weizmann Institute of Science. Upon her graduation, she joined Teva Pharmaceuticals where she led an e-health project. She has since been interested in utilising technology for the service of the health and medical fields. Lubna has also been involved in founding a small-sized company that focuses on bridging between different communities through personal story-telling.
Aspirations within projects:
Through her work within the ApPEARS project at Fraunhofer IGD, Lubna aims to put to practice cutting edge machine learning algorithms in the field of 3D printing. Her goal is to gain the necessary scientific, research, and soft skills that will allow her to achieve her career goals as an entrepreneur in this fast-growing domain.
ESR9: Gonio-chromatic Gamut Mapping
Main Supervisor:
- Philipp Urban (FHG)
- Philip John Green (NTNU)
- Arjan Kuijper (TUDA)
- Alan Brunton (Fraunhofer)
- Specifying the gonio-chromatic gamut by a generalized gamut boundary descriptor allowing quick access to gamut boundaries.
- Developing new methodologies to reproduce gonio-chromatic material properties subject to device limits with minimal visual disagreement to the original.
- Encode gonio-chromatic gamut mapping transformations into lookup tables.
Abu Rmaileh, L., A. Brunton (2023) Meso-Facets for Goniochromatic 3D Printing. ACM Trans. Graph., Vol. 42, No. 4, Article 1.
Brunton, A., L. Abu Rmaileh (2021): Displaced signed distance fields for additive manufacturing. ACM Trans. Graph., 40(4), p. Article 179.