Alina Pranovich has successfully defended her thesis!

Alina Pranovich has successfully defended her thesis! We are very happy to announce that ApPEARS ESR Alina Pranovich has successfully defended her thesis titled ‘Modelling appearance printing: Acquisition and digital reproduction of translucent and goniochromatic materials’ at Linköping University, Sweden, on May 3, 2024. Congratulations, dr. Alina Pranovich! Abstract of thesis Colour perception is fundamental […]

Abigail Trujillo Vazquez has successfully defended her thesis!

Abigail Trujillo Vazquez has successfully defended her thesis! We are very happy to announce that ApPEARS ESR Abigail Trujillo Vazquez has successfully defended her thesis titled ‘The development of 2.5D printing for appearance re-creation: Exploring ancient Mexican artwork through European archives’ at the University of the West of England, on January 16, 2024. Congratulations, dr. […]

Marine Shao has successfully defended her thesis!

Marine Shao has successfully defended her thesis! We are very happy to announce that ApPEARS ESR Marine Shao has successfully defended her thesis titled ‘Development and Validation of a Hybrid Surgical Simulator for Ultrasound Guided Laparoscopic Common Bile Duct Exploration’ at the University of the West of England on November 27, 2023. Congratulations, dr. Marine […]

Fereshteh Abedini has successfully defended her thesis!

Image: Fereshteh Abedini presenting during her defence Fereshteh Abedini has successfully defended her thesis! We are very happy to announce that ApPEARS ESR Fereshteh Abedini has successfully defended her thesis titled ‘2D and 3D Halftoning for Appearance Reproduction‘ at Linköping University on October 26, 2023. Congratulations, dr. Fereshteh Abedini! Opponent: Dr. Jan Morovic, HP Inc. Examination […]

Ruili He has successfully defended her thesis!

Ruili He has successfully defended her thesis! We are very happy to announce that ApPEARS ESR Ruili He has successfully defended her thesis titled ‘Accurate Colour Reproduction of Human Face using 3D Printing Technology’ at the University of Leeds, May 22, 2023. Abstract of thesis The skin colour of the face is one of the […]

Tanzima Habib has defended her thesis!

Image: (from left) opponent: Stephen Westland (University of Leeds, UK), opponent Sabine Süsstrunk (Image and Visual Representation Laboratory, Lausanne, Switzerland), Tanzima Habib (NTNU), co-supervisor Peter Nussbaum (NTNU), supervisor Phil Green (NTNU) and assessment committee  administrator Dar`ya Guarnera (NTNU) Tanzima Habib has defended her thesis! We are very pleased to announce that ApPEARS ESR Tanzima Habib […]

ApPEARS presentations at London Imaging Meeting 2023

ApPEARS presentations at London Imaging Meeting 2023 There have been five research presentations from ApPEARS members at the London Imaging Meeting 2023 conference in London, UK. Papers published and presented at LIM by ApPEARS members: 1. Naturalness perception of 2.5D prints: elevation and size of prints relation, Altynay Kadyrova and Marius Pedersen, NTNU (Norway); Stephen Westland, University of Leeds […]

Ali Payami Golhin has defended his thesis!

Ali Payami Golhin has defended his thesis! We are very pleased to announce that Early Stage Researcher of ApPEARS, Ali Payami Golhin has successfully defended his thesis titled ‘Functional and Optical Properties of Structured Surfaces in Additive Manufacturing’ at the Norwegian University of Science and Technology. Congratulations, dr. Ali Payami Golhin! Abstract of thesis Quality […]

ApPEARS’ first PhD defense!

ApPEARS’ first PhD defense! We are very happy and proud to announce that the first ApPEARS Early Stage Researcher Altynay Kadyrova has defended her thesis titled “Quality Assessment of 2.5D Prints”. She defended her doctoral degree in Computer Science at the Norwegian University of Science and Technology. Abstract of the thesis Technology is developing rapidly […]